extreme adj. 1.极端的;过激的 (opp. moderate)。 2.极限的,非常的。 3.尽头的,末端的。 4.〔古语〕最后的,临终的。 the extreme end of a rope 绳索的末端。 extreme measures 极端手段。 extreme old age 极高龄。 an extreme case 极端的例子。 extreme unction 【天主教】临终涂油礼。 extreme value 【数学】极值。 in one's extreme moments 临终时刻。 the extreme hour of life 临终。 the extreme lefts 极左派。 the extreme penalty (of law) 极刑。 n. 1.极端;末端。 2.〔pl.〕两极端。 3.〔pl.〕困境。 4.【数学】极限值,外项;【逻辑学】(三段论法结论中的)小词或大词 〔cf. middle〕。 the extremes of fortune 盛衰荣枯。 be in extremes 处困境。 Extremes meet. 两极相通,物极必反。 go from one extreme to the other 从一个极端转到另一个极端。 go to extremes =run to an extreme 走极端。 go to the extreme of 采用…的极端手段。 in (the) extreme 极端,非常,很。 n. -ness
All this would have disappeared had the extreme right won 如果极右派当选,这一切就将不再存在!
Extreme right is extreme wrong 极端正确即极端错误。 /过犹不及。
Extreme right is extreme wrong 极端正确就是极端错误。
Extreme right - angle pose 一直到最右边
Many extreme right - wing or leave - wing governments have been accused of practise totalitarianism 许多极右或极左的政府被指控实施极权主义。
I forgive those ancestors who were racist or bigots and believed in extreme right or wrong 我宽恕那些种族主义者或盲目信仰者,信仰极端对错的祖先们。
I forgive those ancestors who were racist or bigots and believed in extreme right or wrong 我宽恕那些种族主义者或盲目信仰者,并信仰极端的错误或正确的祖先们。
Even as those in the extreme right in creationism lose my respect when they take miniature issues and turn them into a majority 即使在极右端的人,也失去我的尊重,当他们把小事化成大事。
Demonstrates how you can place your forms in the right bottom corner of the desktop or the extreme right corner of the taskbar with the help of subclassing 演示了如何使用子类化将窗体放置在桌面的右下角,或工具条的最右边。